About the MR57 USB port

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About the MR57 USB port



You've confirmed that the MR57 has a USB port.

And it says that I can use a 3rd part application on the USB port.

I don't really understand, so can you give me an example of which application I can use and what I can utilise?

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal
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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

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There are a bunch of use cases for the USB port. It depends what you want to do. The best thing is that it is a source of power. This enables mesh technologies like Thread, matter, ZigBee, Z-wave, EnOcean etc. 

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Look at the power output differences for the USB  MR57 vs the CW9166.. Something is cooking...


  • USB 2.0 host interface (Type A connector) with 9.5W power budget (MR57)

  • USB 2.0 host interface (Type A connector) with 4.5W power budget  (CW9166)
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