AP MR36 Can’t go online with new ip address

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AP MR36 Can’t go online with new ip address

I try to change ip address of AP MR 36 it can not go online if i  assign new ip address 

when i try to remove MX64 from network it is go online with new IP address ,

i can ping it’s ip address but it can not go to the internet .

the limit license = Current Device count 

- is the MX 64 is controlling License .

- is the license compared with ip address that we have used in first deployment.

10 Replies 10
Kind of a big deal

License and IP address are not related. Nor does an AP license have anything to do with the MX.

I would suspect you are setting something incorrectly. It sort of sounds like you have some sort of conflict between the MX and the MR.


You should be able to plug in a laptop with the exact network config as the AP and troubleshoot the issue that way.


Here for reference is the documentation on what you need to allow:https://documentation.meraki.com/General_Administration/Other_Topics/Upstream_Firewall_Rules_for_Clo...

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The MX64 and MR36 are in the same vlan and it doesn’t go online is should the working AP appears as clients on MX64 

- is there is any issues i have to review 

-know that i have checked the fortigate firewall it doesn’t appear any logs related to the new ip of AP 

- i have previously mentioned if i have remove mx from network it is going online and i can access from internet 

Kind of a big deal

As mentioned, it seems that there is some IP conflict between the MX and the MR.

Can you provide more details about your network? You said you have a Fortigate, why are you putting the MX below the Fortigate?

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Thank you for your Response,

there is no any issues related with ip conflict of MX64 and MR36 

i can ping ip address and if i used this ip on any device it can access the internet 

i found or discovered if the MX64 not connected to my network the new ip going online although there is another access points with specific ip is working perfectly and if i used ip of one of them on the AP that facing the problem it is going online normaly


i noted that the IP Addresses of AP doesn’t appears on MX64 is it should appears as client ,

how can i troubleshooting this problems .

the mx and mr in the same vlan so the fortigate will never block the local connections it only control the AP to The internet 



why i use the Fortigate as this cases on another Branch of my organizations and 

the branch is controlled to accessing the internet through my fortigate firewall .


Kind of a big deal

Is your static ip in the same subnet/vlan that the old IP was in? You are using the exact same mask and gateway ips? Does another IP from the same vlan work? Does the AP work if it gets DHCP from that VLAN? If it's a new vlan have you adjusted the switch port properly?

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Yes the static ip address is in the same vlan and the same subnet-mask

-yes another ip address is currently working from the same subnet of this vlan on another MR 36 with the same frimware version.

- i can’t change the mood of vlan from static to dhcp as the org is under production i will face another problems if i change the vlan to dhcp 

if you mean is the AP is going online if i connect it to another source out of current network,

yes it take dhcp from 4G router and go online .


Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Have you checked if there is any firewall rule configured on your MX which could be blocking traffic from the MR ? You can take simultaneous LAN and WAN capture on the MX and check if you see any traffic coming from the MR and being forwarded to upstream via the uplink of MX.

Is the MR connected to Meraki switch or a different switch ? If it is not seen as a client under MX, you might be using "MAC address" as client tracking and there might be L3 device downstream of MX.

Please check this article and see if you are using correct client tracking https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Monitoring_and_Reporting/Client-Tracking_Options


It would be best to raise a case with Meraki support if you need help with live troubleshooting the AP.


Kind Regards,


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Thank you for your reply,

i will try to discover if there is any issues with rules 

but ip addresses with AP doesn’t appears on MX 64 as clients

to apply group policy 

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I used MX as Transparent or Pass through 

So the only detect i can configure is by Mac Address 

the meraki are Placed After The org. Router so it’s role to apply group policy of clients 

Here to help

Check the VLAN configuration in the ip settings. Saw that it won't switch to another VLAN, what in the old Firmware normal was. And you can try to reset the AP with paperclip.

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