Thank you for your Response,
there is no any issues related with ip conflict of MX64 and MR36
i can ping ip address and if i used this ip on any device it can access the internet
i found or discovered if the MX64 not connected to my network the new ip going online although there is another access points with specific ip is working perfectly and if i used ip of one of them on the AP that facing the problem it is going online normaly
i noted that the IP Addresses of AP doesn’t appears on MX64 is it should appears as client ,
how can i troubleshooting this problems .
the mx and mr in the same vlan so the fortigate will never block the local connections it only control the AP to The internet
why i use the Fortigate as this cases on another Branch of my organizations and
the branch is controlled to accessing the internet through my fortigate firewall .