Hello all,
I've just stumbled acorss this post https://community.meraki.com/t5/Dashboard-Administration/Meraki-Dashboard-Reporting-How-can-I-get-a-...
" putting all APs into a single network *might* be fine for your deployment, but could also go against a common best practice, but again it depends on your deployment. Each wireless network is meant to be more of a single site or physical location, like a single branch office, or a corporate office building or group of buildings, or a single school (or perhaps a middle + high school on a common campus, or a single college or university campus for example. The point is that each of these is a single contiguous AutoRF domain for which all of the APs make their RF decisions about channels and power.
So, that got me thinking, where we have one congifured Meraki MR network for most of our WAN sites, and at each site, there would be between 1 and 15 access points, and where we use auto power and auto channel settings for our AP's, is the auto management not able to make the best judgements, as we don't have a seperate Meraki MR network configured for every (approx 150) WAN sites ?
Having a single network helps with access point SSiD tagging, whitelisting clients (that move between sites) and various other admin management duties. To have to do these functions in 150 different networks would be a pain ( I know we have the config sync function)
Have I understood this advice correctly ? I though that as each AP knows it's direct negihbours using it's 3rd scanning radio (we use mr32 and 33's), it would caluclate the auto settings based on those neighbouring AP's each can see and not some ap's at a WAN site 50 miles away ?
Appreciate your thoughts