we got huge wifi issues in our network regarding 802.11 disassociation "events". From time to time we got disassociation "waves" in our network, disrupting the traffic of many devices. As you can image, something like this happen in the work hours, with no indication or sign can be devastating for your work and frustrating for yourself.
We use a MX100, 2x MS210 and 7x MR52.
I contacted the meraki support so many times, actually right know i'm sick of calling the hotline and explaining the support engineer on the other end where hes going to find things in the dashboard / event log. This is not fun. nevermind, this is not going to be a rant.
I havent figured out any reason for the disassociation happening. Its "unknown reason", "unspecified reason" and new this morning " disassociated because client interface was disabled".
This happens on all SSIDs (and all APs) no matter of encryption (we got one with wpa2 psk, one 802x with meraki auth and a open guest network with splash page) and no matter which NIC the device uses (we have the samedell optiplex desktops and latitude notebooks), but there are just random devices affected by the disassociation "waves".
To contain the triggers for this issue, i created a new RF profile in which i forced the ap to use channels in the UNII2 extended range, because UNII1/UNII2 where occupied by other wifis in the area.
I noticed while one of the "waves" happens, the affected APs are stuck in a UNII1 channel which they are not supposed to use.
Someone here who experiences the same problems, or has a idea how to figure out what is cause for this?