2.4GHz channels with utilisation but no users

Getting noticed

2.4GHz channels with utilisation but no users

Gudday all

Still learning about how the Merakis work.

We use MR33/52s in our network. Due to Covid restrictions some of our remote sites are unmanned.

t\These sites seem to have about 10% utilisation in the 2.4Ghz band with no users registered.

Have noticed at one site in particular the 2.4GHz channel has what seems somewhat high utilisation but no users registered. This site uses a MR52. Perhaps a coincidence that this site is also flagging an error - 'Unable to fetch configuration'.port melb util - no users.PNG

The utilisation rate wanders between 16-26% with no users registered. Is that considered to be normal behaviour? And what would be caused that traffic if no users? Perhaps some broadcasting?


1. How to fix unable to fetch configuration error? The notes will not very illuminating.

2. With no uses will sites always have utilisation in both 2.4 & 5GHZ bands? Why is the utilisation is the 2.4GHz band > utilisation is the 5GHz band?




1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal

@Tigers, the utilization shown for the current channels isn't just the utilization from your clients. Wireless is a shared medium, so its the utilization that the access point can detect from anyone using that channel - it could be a wireless network in neighboring premises, or a device interfering on the channel. You'll always see the some utilization and it will generally be higher on the 2.4GHz spectrum than the 5GHz spectrum since a lot more devices use the 2.4GHz spectrum (for example, Bluetooth also uses the 2.4GHz spectrum).


The Meraki network will generally try and find the best channels to use, and what you're seeing is perfectly fine and completely normal (as it states, its 'acceptable').


The Unable to fetch configuration error is likely unrelated, and if the device is connected to the Dashboard then I suggest you log a case with support for them to look into why the device can't fetch its configuration.

View solution in original post

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

@Tigers, the utilization shown for the current channels isn't just the utilization from your clients. Wireless is a shared medium, so its the utilization that the access point can detect from anyone using that channel - it could be a wireless network in neighboring premises, or a device interfering on the channel. You'll always see the some utilization and it will generally be higher on the 2.4GHz spectrum than the 5GHz spectrum since a lot more devices use the 2.4GHz spectrum (for example, Bluetooth also uses the 2.4GHz spectrum).


The Meraki network will generally try and find the best channels to use, and what you're seeing is perfectly fine and completely normal (as it states, its 'acceptable').


The Unable to fetch configuration error is likely unrelated, and if the device is connected to the Dashboard then I suggest you log a case with support for them to look into why the device can't fetch its configuration.

Getting noticed


Thanks mate.

Good explanation and gives me some comfort.

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