Renovación de licencias Co-termination

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Renovación de licencias Co-termination



Tengo algunas dudas sobre la renovación de licencias co-termination.


En este momento tengo 15 dispositivos que expiran pronto.


De los 15 dispositivos, quisiera renovar la licencia de 12 (3 dispositivos ya no los usamos mas)


Cual sería el mejor camino a tomar?


Otra duda es, si por algún motivo, necesito usar uno de los dispositivos sin licencia para reemplazar alguno con problemas, como puedo volver a licenciar ese dispositivo?


Busque información pero no está del todo clara, sobretodo que pasa si remuevo dispositivos del inventario, como se comporta la licencia actual.



2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

The Cisco Meraki Co-Termination licensing model works on the basis of co-termination, which means that for any given organization, regardless of how many licenses were applied or when they were applied, the license expiration date for all licenses claimed to that organization will be exactly the same. This is accomplished by averaging all active licenses together and dividing by the license limit count of devices in the organization.



For example, suppose an organization had two separate Enterprise AP licenses, one license for 2x APs spanning one year (365 days) and another for 1x AP spanning five years (1,825 days). The co-termination value would be calculated as ((1825*1)+(365*2))/3= 851 days total for all three APs. So assuming all three licenses were applied on the same day, the organization would have a co-term date of 851 days from the start date of the licenses.

If the licenses were not applied at the same time, for example if the five-year license was applied halfway through the one-year license, the co-term calculation will take that into effect. In this case, the calculation would be ((1825*1)+(182*2))/3=730 days total for all three APs.

Note: The organization co-termination date does not depend on the current device count, but rather the license limit. Removing devices from a network or organization will not impact the co-termination date.


To calculate how licenses impact each other in an organization, check out the License Calculator. To see a more detailed explanation and the exact calculations that are used to determine co-term dates, please refer to our detailed co-term explanation page.


Full Doc.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

1.- Si quieres renovar 12, solo renueva eso. Quita 3 equipos que ya no usan de la "network" donde se encuentran, y así no cuentan versus el límite de licencias requeridas.


2.- Quitar de la "network" el equipo dañado, y metes a la "network" el equipo que ahora quieres usar.


Tener dispositivos en el inventario no te pide licencias. Solo cuando están en un "network" es cuando cuentan.

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