Adicionar LIC-ENT-1YR para 10 APs na dashboard


Adicionar LIC-ENT-1YR para 10 APs na dashboard



Tenho 10 MR34 numa "NETWORK". A empresa adquiriu uma LIC-ENT-1YR para esses MR34. Nunca fiz essa operação de adicionar uma licença. 


Alguém que tem experiência com esse procedimento pode me ajudar?



1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal

@Flamengo19 : por favor encontre o procedimento
Manually Adding Licenses
  1. Within the Meraki dashboard, navigate to Organization > Configure > License info.
  2. Select the link to Add another license.
  3. For the Operation, choose "License more devices".
  4. Enter the License key in the box provided. Enter the key exactly as provided, including dashes.
  5. Choose Add license.
Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021

View solution in original post

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

@Flamengo19 : por favor encontre o procedimento
Manually Adding Licenses
  1. Within the Meraki dashboard, navigate to Organization > Configure > License info.
  2. Select the link to Add another license.
  3. For the Operation, choose "License more devices".
  4. Enter the License key in the box provided. Enter the key exactly as provided, including dashes.
  5. Choose Add license.
Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
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