Spanning VLANS to monitor

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Spanning VLANS to monitor

Its needless to say that Meraki switching has been out for many years, since 2012.  Why is it we still can't port span Vlans to a single port?  We are only able to port mirror physical interfaces to another port, like back in 2012.

In my situation, I have (2) 10gig ports in an etherchannel uplinked to a firewall.  I can't include ports in an etherchannel into a port mirror (this makes sense), but I could satisfy my requirement if I could span Vlans to a monitor port.  Why do we still not have this as an option? @Meraki any insight into this? 

3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi Robinson,


From my point of view. Port mirroring of VLANs requires additional processing and resources on the switch, as it involves copying traffic from multiple VLANs and forwarding it to a single monitoring port. This can be particularly resource-intensive in high-traffic environments and may impact the overall performance of the switch.
That said, it's always worth submitting a feature request to Meraki to inform them about your specific requirements and the use case for VLAN-level port mirroring. Meraki has a dedicated portal where customers can submit feature requests, and they often use this feedback to inform their product roadmap and prioritize new features and enhancements.


Please look at the following documentation, which hopefully can be helpful for you.



Getting noticed

Its funny you say that, I don't know many enterprise switch vendors including Cisco's catalyst, who don't do this.  The MS355 is one of Meraki's top tier switches along with the ms420 and 450, you're telling me these guys dont have the CPU and mem to replicate traffic to a port like any lower end entry class enterprise Catalyst switch?  The argument can be made for an ms120, if you said that for the lower end switch I would agree,  but for Meraki's top switch line?  In this day and age, not having it on your top switch lines is simply inexcusable.   The "Make a Wish" portal is not useful.  Its been submitted and is in there, but I think its just a 🗑.  I say, I love Meraki, but I just don't know who they are listening to when it comes to adding the functionality we all need.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi Robinson,

My apologies, to avoid any misunderstanding, my answer was about overall performance for any type of switches when port mirroring of VLANs is used.

Was not about any specific switch.
Another advise I would suggest, is contact your Account Manager as they works close with Sales Team and might be helpful to ensure the goal you have mind can be archived. 

I really hope this can help!


Thank you.


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