Replicating Group Policies on multiple networks

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Replicating Group Policies on multiple networks

Got a customer with multiple networks. They want to apply the same group policies (GP's) to all their networks (~50).

It doesn't appear it's possible to apply on an organizational level, unless I missed something?

I found a way to do this using APIs. Is there a way to do this without using APIs? Using APIs is not a practical solution for my customer.

Is it possible to use Config Templates to create GP’s to apply to multiple networks? If not, is there any other way to do this?

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

Wouldn't using a template be an option?

If not only via API.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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While I haven't tried it myself, the Configuration Sync menu in Organizations claims that it supports group policies, so you would in theory set them up the way you want on one network and then sync them to all the target networks. It only supports uncombined networks though, so if you are using combined networks you will have to split them to do this.

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