Regarding MS120 8 port Switch

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Regarding MS120 8 port Switch

Hi Team, 


Hope everyone id doing good!


Subject:- How to access Local status page of MS120 Switch .


Method already Tried:


1; we set up our machine to with gateway of and then tried to access but unable to get into the local Status Page.


2: - we connect the switch on MX and then tried to login with the same Ip but still no luck.


we did factory reset but unable to access local Status page to put the configuration.


3:- in the settings i saw that local status page is showing disabled, but i dont think so this will be the issue, because atleast first time Switch should be accessible via Locally. 


Please share your inputs.


                       Circuit     Circuit2

                         |               |

Topology :      MS1        MS2   all in Dual mode.

                         |              | 

                        MX1         MX2






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Dashboard > Network Wide > Configure > General you will find the ability to access your device locally if enabled.

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So, The configure option as per above, these settings will be helpful when the MS Switch already connected with the cloud i believe. i am asking for the first time.


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If it's connected to the cloud you will have to go into the dashboard and ALLOW (enable) local access.

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correct, what about the first time. if Switch is new and its not connected with the cloud at all.

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If it were me, I'd be incline to connect the switch to a router/firewall that issues a DHCP IP address.  Once you can see what address it has been assigned....connect to the switch using IP address it has been assigned for local access.  

Or if it shows up in the dashboard once connected using the DHCP IP address, you can manage it from the dashboard.

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Yeah, i did same. i connected the switch on a Live MX and it assigned an Ip address to Switch via DHCP . Switch was live on Dashboard. but when i connect my laptop on Switch and tried with the DHCP IP assigned to switch. We are unable to access, nor we are able to change IP From Meraki Dashboard even it was connected to cloud.

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Are you able to connect to its ip address but the password isn’t being accepted?  Or is the switch not responding when you type it’s assigned ip address?


if the switch is live on the dashboard, what color is its status?  Green?  Amber? Red?

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Can you share a screen capture of it listed in the dashboard?

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You can access the switch if it's never connected to the cloud by using the browser and typing  

Accessing the Local Status Page

The local status page of any Meraki device is accessible via the web browser of a host machine. By default, users are required to log in to pages that provide configurable options. The local status page uses digest authentication with Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) hashing for the connection between the administering computer and the Meraki device to protect these sensitive settings.

The authentication credentials for a device that uses the default authentication credentials or a device that has not fetched configuration will depend on the firmware version the device is running.

MX devices running MX 19+ firmware, MS devices running MS 17+ firmware and MS390/Catalyst devices running CS 17+ firmware will use the username admin and the password will be the serial number of the device (upper case letters and dashes). 

All devices running other firmware versions will use the serial number of the device (upper case letters and dashes) as the username with no password.

Authentication credentials should be changed to have a strong password after their initial use. Please see the Changing Log-In Credentials section below.

To reach MR devices, the client must be wirelessly connected to the access point (AP) using a configured service set identifier (SSID) or one of the SSIDs mentioned in the Default SSIDs section, such as "meraki-setup" SSID. However, MS and MX devices can be accessed by any device with access to their LAN IP. This is done by entering the LAN IP address in the URL bar of a web browser. Additionally, each device can be accessed by DNS name if the client traffic passes through the device while browsing the following URLs. This can be useful for determining which AP/switch/firewall a client's traffic is going through to reach the internet. 


Using the Cisco Meraki Device Local Status Page 

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Hi, We tried to browse but no luck.

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Try to go into the dashboard and see what your settings are configured for:

Dashboard > Network Wide > Configure > General you will find the ability to access your device locally if enabled.


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Head in the Cloud

did you try the managment port which porvides IP via DHCP?


MS : Select MS switches have a dedicated management port that can be used without needing to set a static IP on your client. When connected to the management port of a Meraki switch, your device can obtain the appropriate IP settings via DHCP. Alternatively, the following IP settings can be used by the client device to access the Local Status Page.

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Kind of a big deal

Dedicated management port on a MS120-8? 🤔

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Head in the Cloud

he mentioned only MS120---so for sure if it is an 8port...not going wo work


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Hi , 


On MS120- port8 Switch dont have any Dedicated Mgmt Port. as per the picture i can see port number 1-8 only. which i have tried.

Head in the Cloud

sorry... the 8 port does not have a management port

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