Hello dear support,
I have a problem with a stacking of 2 switchs MS210, the configuration and cabling is ok,
I can see my two switch in the stack :
Have you got an idea on this problem,
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
If there are no clients connected, the fastest way to get to a working stack is likely to factory reset the switches and build the stack again following exactly the instructions (like when to switch on the switches).
If it is a recent configuration wait a while, this happened to me too, but after a while it updated the information on the dashboard.
I had the same issue when setting up my switch stacks. To resolve, I had to shutdown all of the switches in my stack until the status messaged changed to down or not connected. Give it a good 10 minutes and the dashboard should switch to that message. After that message shows up, power on all switches in the stack and it should come back up without an issue and connected successfully.
I'm with @alemabrahao . Don't do anything to try and fix until the switches have been online for at least two hours. The dashboard is slow to update this warning when the configuration is correct.
Otherwise (if you don't want to wait) I back @KRobert - a complete power down and back up again usually updates the dashboard.
ps. I usually try and provision new switches 24 hours in advance on a test bench before putting them into production, as no one likes seeing these errors when they are installing new kit.
We just replaced 3 switch stacks about 4 months ago and I figured this issue out early on 😁 If your maintenance window allows you to wait, I agree with @alemabrahao and @PhilipDAth. If you don't (like we didn't) the power cycle and wait will do the trick.