Throughout our organization, we have stacks of MS210-48FP switches that are connected to a Cisco 2300 series RPS. To bring a switch back up on the correct power source, we have to contact local support and have them power cycle the RPS or reseat the cabling.
There are 2 issues. First, we are not receiving alerts from the switches themselves when they go on to RPS power. This may be an issue for Meraki support, but if anybody has any insight or experience with this, feel free to share. Second, we are interested in getting more visibility on the RPS itself, similar to the 2960 switch series. To take it a step further, we would like to get remote access to the RPS to handle cycling the outlets without contacting our center.
This may or may not be possible. The documentation for the 2300 series implies that it is a possibility with Meraki switches, but I have not been able to find conclusive evidence. Any help would be greatly appreciated.