I have been task with configuring STP for one of our customers and looking for some direction on how to configure the environment. The topology consist of Cisco 4506 devices on the end and Meraki MS425-32 and MS120-24 in the middle. I will be implementing MSTP and from the information I found doing my research, Meraki doesn't support
MST but is compatible and will see the traffic as one instance. From the information I have found to make the Meraki devices the root? Once the traffic passes through the Meraki devices the 4506 will re-elect a root bridge for the instance. So, if someone can inform on how to approach the configuration it will be greatly appreciated. My thoughts are below. Also, are there firmware concerns?
<cisco enterprise switch> -- <meraki switch> -- <cisco enterprise switch>
1. Configure the Cisco 4506 for MST only one instance for vlans
2. Configure the Mekari devices for RSTP
3. Make the Mekari devices the root\secondary for the vlans (several)
4. Set spanning-tree priority on one of the Cisco 4506 to elect preferred root bridge for MST instance
5. Include native or vlan 1 in the instance as the Mekari devices uses for processing ?