Hi Jeremy
Great you're making progress, awesome 🙂
So I suggest you first nail the connection between the MX and the switch. Let's try it this way:
I assume you have defined a data and voice VLAN, I replicated that in our Lab:

Consider it just an example, you of course don't have to follow the same IP numbering. I recommend creating a management network (we usually use VLAN1 for that, although we didn't do so in Cisco IOS environments, but those are a different story and we experienced it to be smoother this way with Meraki).
This management network is where all your Meraki devices (and only those) get their management IP from and get to the Internet and the Meraki cloud.
Now on the MX switchports configure one port as a trunk with native VLAN1 and allow the other VLANs, like so:

Then connect this port to the switch (and only this port). I wouldn't recommend connecting more than one port because the MX does not do STP and you potentially create loops. For the sake of this example let's just connect one for now.
The port on the MS switch where you connect the MX to should have the exact same config as the MX LAN port in the screenshot above, like this:

All VLANs in the "allowed VLANs" section are tagged now and the native VLAN (1) isn't. Those configurations should match on a trunk port to work correctly.
Perhaps reboot the switch so it gets it's management address, make sure the management VLAN is 1. After it is green in the dashboard again, configure the port where the phone will be connected like I explained in the post before. Note that I used different VLANs this time, it's because we usually follow a VLAN numbering pattern for customers and I just took a quick screenshot of our lab MX, but just use the VLANs of your choice of course.
Also make sure you enabled DHCP on the MX for data and voice VLANs and that you allow the MX on the switch for DHCP (Switch -> DHCP Servers), default is allowed.
Now your phone should get the correct configuration and also the PC port on the phone.
If it doesn't then we should proceed to look at the phone's configuration, but let me know how it goes so far first 🙂