Has anyone had this dilemma when thinking of POE?
24 X MR access points
10 X IP cameras
2 X MS355-48X (Stacked)
Total power - 1480W
Working with with POE budget power
If there is switch failure and we have move the devices on to a working switch which can budget 740W.
for 34 devices @ 30W this would push a single switch over budget.
Or ...
2 X MS355-24X2 (Stacked) 740W POE exclusively for access points
24 MR @ 30W = 720W would keep a switch failure within budget.
2 X MS225-24P Stacking and uplinked to MS355 for cameras etc
10 X cameras @30W = 300W would keep a single switch failure within budget too.
Although option 2 is slightly more expensive.
I am sure the MS switches does not block power if actual usage is less then budgeted power however we have seen devices that don't like it if a switch is over budget.
Any thoughts ?