Hey guys, this is a little disheartening and scary. My environment is currently on MS 12.14 and Meraki auto-scheduled an upgrade to 14.33. I was initially going to hold off, but now I'm planning to upgrade during our next maintenance window because we're starting to see a weird issue (again) where our Thin Clients that are connected to an MS350 Switch Stack running Layer 3, get randomly disconnected from their remote VM sessions without any rhyme or reason. (When users connect to these same VMs from home, this doesn't happen). This used to happen to us on MS v11 (never occurred when we were on MS v10) and I thought MS 12.14 would solve it (upgraded during the pandemic), but I guess we didn't see the issue resurface since very few people were actually in the office during the height of the pandemic. Now after seeing these posts and also seeing some of the release notes for the 15 code with "Known Issues" similar to this is starting to make me worry. I'm not sure if this is the same issue that I'm facing, since I haven't made any recent changes to any SVIs, but it sounds similar to what we're experiencing.
The issue that we're actually facing is closer aligned to this: https://community.meraki.com/t5/Switching/RDP-Brief-Disconnects/m-p/113785/thread-id/8228
The question is, what do we do??? These kind of routing/disconnect issues seem to be pretty longstanding and have been around for much longer than Cisco Meraki should even admit without feeling ashamed. I don't even know how this product could be greenlit for production at this point with all of this instability. I'm starting to be afraid to even run these Switches in our environment right now and we've got quite a few sites running these Switch Stacks in production (still have to survey the other sites, as we begin to return to office). I don't know which Firmware version to go to...I'm just at a loss right now.