Our largest stacks have 5 member switches operating in layer-2 mode. The first and last switch members have an uplink to our traditional Catalyst switches e.g.
SWI-1 (uplink discarding)
SWI-5 (uplink forwarding)
- 1st upgrade, scheduled the whole stack to be upgraded at the same time, 2 member switches needed to be power cycled
- 2nd upgrade, I staggered the switch upgrades: 1&2; 3&4 then 5; 1 member switch needed to be power cycled
- 3rd upgrade, I shutdown the discarding uplink connection then staggered the switch upgrades: 1&2; 3&4 then 5; the whole stack needed to be power cycled
The next attempt, I'll stagger each switch individually. Are others finding the same inconsistent results? This becomes an issue for offices without IT presence.