
Getting noticed


Hi All, 


So here is a weird one, curious to see if this happened to anyone else,  I had my MS switches on 12.27 and upgraded to 12.28.  As soon as I upgraded two of my servers went down (stopped passing traffic but showed online). Rebooting the switch and server did nothing, the only way to resolve was to revert back to 12.27.  


Meraki support did not really have an answer for me so I was curious to see if anyone ran into an issue like this?

1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If they were not accessible from the same VLAN, attached to the same stack, that suggests the switch L2 forwarding tables were not correct.  Usually, that is a rare event.  When it happens the entire stack has to be powered down at the same time and brought back up again.


Where the servers dual connected as a matter of interest?


Have you made the core switch stack the spanning-tree root? 

View solution in original post

8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal

I understand that and dont have answer to this but can you check this if there is some bug or alert related to your problem below


Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
Getting noticed

Thanks I checked that and the only one that would fit my stack is the ms425 with the large L2 broadcast domain but it does not seem that large according to the traffic.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Were the servers accessible from within the same VLAN that they reside in?  Are these physical or virtual servers?  You mention switches, are they in a stack?

Getting noticed

They were not accessible, it basically is a server controlling badge access for employees and it took down the whole badge system.  These are physical servers and yes the switches are in stacks I have a total of 9 stacks

Kind of a big deal

A maximum of up to 8 switches can be stacked in a single stack recommended.,st...

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
Getting noticed

Correct sorry I should have clarified, I have 8 stacks max in each stack but a total of 9 separate stacks

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If they were not accessible from the same VLAN, attached to the same stack, that suggests the switch L2 forwarding tables were not correct.  Usually, that is a rare event.  When it happens the entire stack has to be powered down at the same time and brought back up again.


Where the servers dual connected as a matter of interest?


Have you made the core switch stack the spanning-tree root? 

Getting noticed

Got it thanks for the update, so far everything seems to have come up I am not sure if it was an issue on the vendors side but I will keep this in mind thank you

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