I have a question for those who have worked with configuration templates.
When setting the STP root bridge for a [switch] network using a configuration template, you must specify a profile at the template level. That setting is no longer available via the network settings when using configuration templates.
This is ok because everything is cookie cutter. MDF stack member 1 should be the root bridge (where the network routers connect).
The MDF stack member 1 is set with a switch profile, that profile is specified in the template switch settings and a priority of 4096 is specified.
However, this doesn't take effect. STP election occurs and continues to select sub-optimal root bridge within multiple different networks (different sites configured in the same way).
For example, now the root bridge shows the correct switch member as the root bridge, but with the default STP priority, not the priority as 4096 as it should be based on the config.. Some other locations it will be a suboptimal root bridge election altogether.
Any tips for configuring STP when using Switch stacks, Configuration templates and switch profiles? Anything I am missing regarding setting this up with stacking in play?
Seems to be a bit buggy to me since I believe it is configured, but never takes effect, even with rebooting the network.. I've seen this happen at several sites now and isn't a 1 off issue.