We currently have both MS and MR devices doing 802.1x authentication using Cisco ISE as our Radius server. We authenticate domain joined devices with a domain controller CA cert (ie AD computer cert), devices that aren't domain joined such as printers we install an 802.1x cert that we created (same cert on multiple devices), Cisco phones use the MIC or LSC if the MIC has expired and then devices that don't support 802.1x we do MAC Address Bypass (MAB).
We have a simple setup. If you pass 802.1x you get put in the data/voice vlan. If you fail, the port is blocked. No guest vlan, no BYOD. We have under 500 endpoints.
My problem is that I HATE ISE. I think for what we do it is overly complicated and overly expensive.
So I'm thinking about switching to Microsoft's Network Policy Server. Can anyone relate pros vs cons on this change? How is troubleshooting failures done?
I've read over the Meraki docs for configuring NPS and while I have not clicked any buttons to follow along it seems to make sense. Has anyone followed a 3rd party configuration guide that might be even easier to follow?
Thanks in advance for any and all input.