Feature Request : OCR onboard ?


Feature Request : OCR onboard ?

It would open up a LOT more markets if we could do OCR natively on the MV's.. 


Eg: Select a zone area on camera and allocate it for OCR processing so we could access via API or push notification would be awesome!




4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal



Organisations using ANPR have to be licensed and operators subjected to background checks.


The problem isn't OCR, it is control of how the information is used.


Of course you might just be conducting a census of what people have written on their T-Shirts. This could be a whole new field of research, some of the potential correlations make the mind boggle.

Robin St.Clair | Principal, Caithness Analytics | @uberseehandel
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You can do this yourself - now.


Use the snapshot notification that sends a picture of what caused the motion.  Then run this through whatever OCR engine you would like to use.



Getting noticed

Hi Steve - We integrated LPR with Meraki.  Take a look here: https://platerecognizer.com/integrations/meraki/.


Feel free to take this for a free test drive!

New here

Hey there, I stumbled upon this discussion and thought I could chime in. I completely agree that having OCR onboard would open up many new markets and possibilities for API and push notification access.

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