I've heard someone has developed a script or api to for when a MT20 door opens event is triggered the MV will send a pic via email or SMS. I have been unable to locate this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Now on to my subject line, I'm looking to assist a customer who has a water sensor paired with an MV for a similar action.
Use case:
The AC units in their server room have built-in humidifiers for humidity control, despite installing water filters due to the water quality calcium deposits build up and eventually clog the drain line. This then causes the condensation to collect in the overflow pan as designed, then the float switch gets tripped and the unit(s) shut down causing a temp alarm.
Water sensor in the overflow pan, this now alerts them before the AC unit shuts down. - Handy I should put one in my attic...
Ideal Solution:
Water sensor alerts and sends an image from the MV that is paired with.
They used a MV for the pairing due to having Traditional Cisco Wireless AP's and not wanting to add a Meraki AP into the mix.
Thank you in advance for any pointers.