Hello Everybody,
I am working on a project where i need to set up a vMX in AWS that is deployed in his own VPC. The vMX is in Concentrator mode with a One Arm mode. The Network Interface has an IP in a private subnet that give him also a public IP.
This VPC is attached to a Transit Gateway that act as a hub for all VPC and permit inter-VPC traffic.
There is also a Palo ALTO in AWS that filter traffic between VPC.
Also a Direct Connect is here to connect to OnPremise network and the Direct COnnect is attached to the Transit Gateway.
I have my remote branch with a SDWAN tunnel to vMX. I can ping resources in the same VPC of the vMX. So Everything is Good.
I can also see my pings reaching OnPremises ressources and going back to AWS.
Even When i try to ping another resource in another VPC i can see the ICMP reaching my resource but the reply never reach vMX.
The problem is i never reach vMX from AWS and when the destination is in a remote branch subnet.
Anybody gone through a similar use case ?
Thank you