too many connections

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too many connections

We have two MX 105's in building A setup in passive failover mode. Along with this, we have dual ISP's to minimize any single point of failure. Everything works the way its supposed to.

We have building B that is connected to A with a privately owned fiber however, that fiber connection has been identified as a single point of failure.


We are purchasing a new internet connection for building B, and we are looking at purchasing new meraki hardware but we aren't sure of the best way to set this up such that building B uses our privately owned fiber as a primary connection between buildings, but if that connection fails, it automatically switches over to using a site-to-site VPN to building A.


2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Make a transit vlan/ subnet between the two devices.

Then create all static routes with tracking with next hop the other mx ip


This describes it better but instead of mpls you use the fiber

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

>We have building B that is connected to A with a privately owned fiber however


You could also buy a second private fibre, and LACP can channel them together (assuming it is a point-to-point fibre).  This would also double the bandwidth.

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