We recently bought a company in Canada, and we are in the USA. They have a Meraki setup so we purchased two MX 100's and a direct layer 2 EVPL connection between us and them through different MPLS providers. What we would like to do is create an SD-WAN connection using our internet connections and this EVPL to each other. Like an MPLS, there is no default gateway to get to the internet on this layer 2 connection. Currently it just lands on a switch on either side and we mark a specific VLAN for segmentation on the switch, then plug into the MX 100's port 2 on either side.
Wondering if someone can lead me to documentation on how to set this up? With the MX 100 you can have 2 ISP's, but when I go to configure port 2 as the port 2 WAN, it asks for a default gateway. We intend to put an IP address on the MX devices for each end of the connection. I can provide more details if needed.