access to Corporate RAVPN while connected to meraki Guest Wifi

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access to Corporate RAVPN while connected to meraki Guest Wifi

We have a remote clinic that has a Meraki MX and COX business circuit. When on prem at the clinic I can connect to Guest Wifi and get out to the internet fine. When I try to connect to our Corporate VPN I get a message from AnyConnect Authentication failed due to problem navigating to the single sign-on URL.


Now the odd this we use OKT for SAML SSO and okta allows from anywhere unless you come from an IP that is GEO Blocked. I cannot connect. I can however hit a VPN I built for RSA users hosted in AWS and also I have AWS VPN hosting okta as well that does not work. 

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

I suggest you to review the configurations or open a support case.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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