Hi Guys,
I need some advice on upgrading office core network 🙂 Should I modify anything to have fully redundant solution?
How it looks:
2 CPE modems, each is connected to one of my 2 WAN switches (some Aruba Instant-on devices, not stacked, just regular link between them).
From each WAN switch I have 2 links, each to different MX100 (warm spare with VIP)
From each MX I have 2 uplinks, each to different MS390 (phisically stacked)
Is it normal that stacked MS390 switches have same local mgmt ip? In other switches it's normal but when I last time stacked 2xMS225 each had different mgmt ip. Only difference is that MS225s are connected to core stack (with lag) and MS390s are connected directly to MX warm spare FW.
What is not working:
When I put down Master MX - failover works fine. The issue is when I try to put down one of the CPE modems. They suppose to exchange vrrp through my WAN switches but ISP engineer claims that it's not the case. Both CPE are claiming to be masters and do not see each other. All ports included are in same vlan (untagged) so I don't know waht might be the issue.