Umbrella Intelligent Proxy SSL Decryption 516 Upstream Certificate CN Mismatch

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Umbrella Intelligent Proxy SSL Decryption 516 Upstream Certificate CN Mismatch

I started getting the dreaded 516 Upstream CN Mismatch error this afternoon for a few users. It is odd because on the page itself, there is no SSL error. Checking the certificate itself, the CN matches fine. I re-installed the Umbrella root CA just in case, but still get the error. 


The connection is "secure" according to the browser:


Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 3.07.10 PM.png


Found this help article and the SAN matches as well:


Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 3.04.48 PM.png


I did turn intelligent proxy and ssl decryption off for a short while ~5 hours ago or so trying to diagnose a website issue, but other than that didn't make any changes. Am I missing something obvious here? I did re-download the root CA since re-enabling ssl decryption and imported it on the machine I'm testing on (and took the above screenshots from) and imported to the trusted root CA store, but I think the cert was the same. 

1 Accepted Solution
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The issue seems to have fixed itself once again which is super frustrating as I'd rather know what went wrong so I could fix it but the problem seems to be resolved. 

View solution in original post

3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

It may be beneficial to reach out to Cisco Umbrella support, especially if you have already followed the article on the 516 error

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Thanks. Unfortunately, I'm leasing the system from AT&T which has been an absolute nightmare. As such, Cisco/Meraki just sends me their way and they have been abysmal when trying to get help hence I try to fix things myself first, then come here if I can't. 


At any rate, it fixed itself which is frustrating but at least it's fixed. 


Thanks for the reply.

Building a reputation

The issue seems to have fixed itself once again which is super frustrating as I'd rather know what went wrong so I could fix it but the problem seems to be resolved. 

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