Strange appliance connection drop randomically

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Strange appliance connection drop randomically

Hello everyone!
i have a strange issue.. in one org... i have a lot of networks active, and this networks have the same appliance (MX) , the same Firmware Version, but are deployed in various places.. the ISP is the same and randomiccally... when i check the lost of connection in "Wan Health" section... i see a lot of appliance lost connectivity randomically in wan1 and 2... this issues lasts only a few minutes... but this issue not are the same for all.. some same mx don't have this problem... i tried to make a ping in uplink at,, and all of this lost the ping at same time... well the problem in my opinion is meraki...

In historical device data, there see lost of connectivity but there are not packet loss...  

in this screen, we see the issue, randomically lost connectivity at wan 1 and 2, same issue for varius MX 

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 09.40.37.png

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 09.43.43.png

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 09.49.53.png

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Which mx model?

On which firmware?

New here

MX Model 85
Firmware : Current version: MX 18.107.2

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