Site-to-Site VPN Issues

A model citizen

Site-to-Site VPN Issues

Anyone noticing problems with site-to-site VPN connectivity today? We have two sites that keep dropping the VPN connection, but the MX at each site stays online. We haven't touched the config at any site.


Is it just us, or is something larger going on?







6 Replies 6

I'm not seeing drops in the logs, but we are definitely having connectivity issues on the software that relies on the S2S VPN. It seems it started Friday/Saturday. Coincidentally, we replaced an MX64 with an MX75 Friday night. I find it hard to believe the MX75 would have issues in comparison to the MX64. We are on firmware 16.8.

Kind of a big deal

@Lunkers , I'd upgrade your firmware on the MX75. The only option is the MX16 "beta" firmware for the new devices, but the latest MX16 version (16.12) will likely be more stable than your current 16.8.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Lunkers I'd echo what @Bruce said.  We run a 12 site auto-VPN and more than half of the sites are on 16.11 and that has been rock solid.  We are upgrading to 16.12 this week and I would encourage keeping up to date with beta builds as there are far more fixes than on regular releases.  Not all are mentioned in the notes either...


@Bruce @cmr , I updated from 16.8 to 16.12 last night and it appears to have resolved the problem. I apologize as my issue was not related to the original subject. 


Thank you for the assistance.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @Twitch , is this still ongoing for you? I’m aware of another partner that is suffering across a pretty large estate and their issues are still ongoing.



Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.

@DarrenOC- the problem seems to have stabilized. There haven't been any VPN drops today.


We actually think it was an ISP issue. Two of our shops with the same ISP were having an identical problem, while another at the same property with a different ISP was not. So, it may not have been a Meraki issue at all. We realized this after I posted my question here.


Of course, we can't definitively prove it was the ISP or Meraki either way.

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