Hi all,
Here is our scenario:
We have an MX84 with AnyConnect configured to use the DDNS name of our router. This then forwards the SAML request to our Azure instance to authenticate users. This all works fine. However, we have fairly unreliable internet where we are and I would like to configure the AnyConnect client to use both WAN1 and WAN2 (one as a backup address) so that should WAN1 go down users will be able to reconnect on WAN2 (they are different ISPs using different infrastructure).
Lets say the DDNS name for the router is:
This gives a WAN1 DDNS of:
and a WAN2 DDNS of:
These two additional addresses resolve with an nslookup to the correct IP addresses for the 2 interfaces.
I have tried adding them as additional Identifiers (Entity IDs) in Azure but it seems like the request is never reaching Azure when I use one of the additional addresses.
My hypothesis is that I am lacking something within Meraki to tell it to forward the request to Azure when the request is using anything other than the primary DDNS address. This might be in this section on the AnyConnect Setting page:

And if I am right it doesn't look like it allows for multiple addresses.
However I have also tested changing this to one of the secondary DDNS addresses like Site-1-abcde-1.dynamic-m.com and then tried to connect via that and it still doesn't work so maybe I am missing something.
Has anyone managed to get AnyConnect to work using both interfaces, and is it even possible?
Thanks in advance,