Hi everyone has anyone setup a rustdesk server self hosted and did a port forwarding via meraki?
I got a MX 95 and I've self hosted rustdesk server, internally local lan it works no issue, did setup a port forwarding so I can remote to my work pc for minor tech support,
So basically
self host server
my home pc to work not working ❌
my work pc to home working✔
work pc to other work pc working✔
other work pc to my home pc working✔
my home pc to other work pc not working❌
Been going through this with Meraki Customer Support and our ISP technical support they're pushing me towards each other basically,
From my home pc or laptop I can ping the public ip of my work,I can even see the devices on the same server online no matter what I can't connect, wanted to ask here if there's any other solution otherwise my last option is to get a cheap vps or something for this
Above is the link to rustdesk documentation
Meraki Customer Service has confirmed my port forwarding settings are correct based on the rustdesk documentation.