Setting up Port forwarding for Rustdesk

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Setting up Port forwarding for Rustdesk

Hi everyone has anyone setup a rustdesk server self hosted and did a port forwarding via meraki?

I got a MX 95 and I've self hosted rustdesk server, internally local lan it works no issue, did setup a port forwarding so I can remote to my work pc for minor tech support, 

So basically

self host server

my home pc to work not working
my work pc to home working✔
work pc to other work pc working✔
other work pc to my home pc working✔
my home pc to other work pc not working


Been going through this with Meraki Customer Support and our ISP technical support they're pushing me towards each other basically,

From my home pc or laptop I can ping the public ip of my work,I can even see the devices on the same server online no matter what I can't connect, wanted to ask here if there's any other solution otherwise my last option is to get a cheap vps or something for this
Above is the link to rustdesk documentation

Meraki Customer Service has confirmed my port forwarding settings are correct based on the rustdesk documentation.

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal




Port forwarding in Meraki is relatively simple.

Is Wan configured with a public or private IP?


I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @penangit ,


Try having a look at the Firewall Log monitoring tool.  If your MX firmware is 18.2 or newer. You can use this tool to display if the traffic is blocked. I would also suggest to check your Firewall rules as well. See guides below.





Ivan Jukić,
Meraki APJC

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