So I had an interesting situation today and was wondering what more could be done.
I have an MX 100 and a 200/200 fiber connection coming in.
I noticed our Internet lagging, so I started a continuous ping to and was getting maybe 30% loss. I checked the dashboard and there was a spike in the "Live data" section of the appliance. I ran a speed test and my downloads were testing around 10-15MB but my uploads were still l180-190. It lasted maybe 15 minutes and then subsided and all went back to normal.
What I'm wondering is this - how can you detect a client with high usage in real time? I can check the client list, filter by usage, and set it to the last two hours, but this isn't helpful with a real-time problem. Furthermore, we have a lot of devices on network that view security cameras, so total usage for many clients is always excessively high, thus making identifying a new additions somewhat problematic.