Correct, they don't know if it is client vpn or "third party" vpn - thanks for pointing that out.
However, they do know what cipher suites are available, because they fail if they detect weak ones... Here's the failure notice based on their scan:
Diffie-Hellman Groups 1 to 4 are no longer considered safe for strong encryption. It is estimated that these groups have a security level of 80-90 bits which is no longer adequate to protect the encryption keys used during IKE phase 2. Furthermore, Group 5 (Modp-1536) has a security level of 120 bits which is slightly under to protect AES-128 encryption keys. Stronger groups have been designed for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange in RFC 3526.
Weak encryption ciphers, such as DES or 3DES, were identified as supported on this VPN device. These weak ciphers could make it easier for a context dependent attack to compromise the integrity of IKE sessions established with this device.