One company separated in 2 organization MXs licence question

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One company separated in 2 organization MXs licence question



Maybe the question is not for this section but i will try. We have one company which need to be organized in two separate organization in meraki dashboard. Every organization will have admins who manage organization, some admins will manage both. Regarding the licensing, can we apply same licence key on both organization and licence will be used by both organization, or we need to separate licence and apply different license key regarding the organization.


Thank you,

best regards,

1 Accepted Solution
A model citizen

You should be able to self-service license transfer between Orgs. How to do a License Transfer in Cotermination - Cisco Meraki Documentation

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18 Replies 18
A model citizen

If you have an existing org you want to split into two, read this: Organization Split Overview and FAQ - Cisco Meraki Documentation

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From the scratch i want to separate company in 2 organization. I created under same mail 2 organizations called different but now i am now sure about applying licence because have 1 license key for device belonging to both organization

Kind of a big deal

If you are the admin on both orgs, you can move licenses around yourself today (or, you can get support to help you).

You could also have one org, and give different access to each user, so they only have admin rights to the networks that they use ?

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Hello,for example i have 1 licence for  50 mx devices. If i move to another organization will it move licence for 50 devices or i can say move 25 licence on another organization?

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You can move any count of licenses from one org to another. Moving licenses is independent from license key.

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So if i have in organization applied licence and that licence covers 50 MX 68 devices for example, and created another organization via same mail domain i can transfer for example 20 licence for 20 MX 68 which will be added to another organization? Is there somewhere documentation about that process and steps ? Thank you

A model citizen

You should be able to self-service license transfer between Orgs. How to do a License Transfer in Cotermination - Cisco Meraki Documentation

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Check the reply to thomas above please.

A model citizen

Read the link I posted - you can move some of the licenses between the Orgs. EG. 20 out of your 50.

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It seems you are right but just to confirm one more time before tomorow transfer. So if i apply license key which consist of 50 MX 68 Advanced Security License in Organization A, i can than click in history on move button  and transfer to my another Organization B 25 license? Also just to inform you that i will not add device to Organization A and B before i arrange licences between organizations. 

A model citizen

Yes - if for whatever reason it doesn't work then you can ring Meraki support for help.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @MirzaDz , are these new networks/orgs that you’ve recently created or have they been in production for a while?

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
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I created 2 organization with same mail domain. Every organization has own network/sites. Every organization has their own number of devices but my licence is complete number of devices in both organization. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @MirzaDz - contact Meraki support to see if they can split your license between both Orgs.  Are you a Full Admin for both Orgs?

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
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I am full admin of both organization. It seems like Jimmy posted document that i can transfer myself half of license thorugh licence history like in this document described: 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

👍🏻 give it a shot.

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
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You can move licenses independent from license keys. Just klick on "move". You will see a dialog like this:


Bildschirmfoto von 2024-11-05 19-45-14.png

Just fill in the count per license and move.

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I will do it tomorow and inform community.

Thank you

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