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Nuevo en el mundo de Meraki

I need to implement an SD-WAN network using Cisco Meraki MX64, with a central office configured as a Hub and an office called Doblas, located elsewhere (and potentially other offices), configured as a Spoke.

The goal is to ensure stable connectivity between the offices, access to the resources of the central office, and link redundancy.

Infrastructure in Doblas:

- There are two ISPs (Telecentro and Fibercorp) with dynamic IPs, balanced by a Cisco Small Business (with failover).
- A Meraki MX64 (not connected yet) with a fixed IP from a Claro ISP (although there is no direct link from Claro).
- An internal switch that connects the Ubiquiti Access Points, the DVR, and the office PCs.
- The Meraki will provide DHCP and manage the Internet outbound and the VPN to the central office.

Expected configuration:

- The Meraki at the headquarters will be the Hub and the one at Doblas the Spoke, allowing access to the central internal network.
- The fixed Claro IP will be used for the Meraki at Doblas, but Claro currently does not allow changing the fixed WAN IP from the Meraki website.
- The internal connectivity will be managed by the switch, and the load balancer will provide redundancy between the dynamic ISPs.


1. Why does my ISP provider offer the company where I work two Meraki MX64s where, when accessing the dashboard, the same WAN IP appears on both?
2. Is it possible that my router, which balances two ISPs, can be configured to connect a Cisco Meraki?
3. What advice or suggestion can you give me for correct operation?
4. What points should I take into account to have a site-to-site VPN from my headquarters to another office, offering the resources of the headquarters?

I would appreciate any explanation or recommendation that would help me clarify these doubts and ensure an efficient deployment.

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

I believe the best course of action is to discuss this with your Meraki vandas representative.


Here is some documentation that might help you.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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