This is seriously a problem. If WAN2 goes down and is NOT the primary uplink, there are no meaningful alerts generated. There is not a syslog message.
This is a NO BRAINER. Yes I can use SNMP monitoring via a separate system, or ping the WAN IP's via a different system, but I shouldn't have to do that.
Please improve alerting on connectivity loss to WAN connections. I need a clear message like "WAN2 is offline or unreachable" or "Internet2 is offline, but Internet1 is still active."
I have made "wishes" but I need something better. For all of the impressive features on the MX devices, this VERY basic feature is missed.
Very good idea! Lets hope they can roll this out.
I've thought the same thing. On my vast to-do list is to code a dashboard using the APIs to build a single screen to show me all of my networks, WAN1, WAN2 status and perhaps even let me nickname them so I recall what service they are.
That would be a slick tool, Adam. I'd settle for just a couple of Events being created, so that I could have Syslog look for the event and Alert on it.
Hi, I make a wish for this too, but in this meantime i do it with API and works fine!.
Out of curiosity how are you utilizing this feature? I can open Postman and pull the information but that does me no good as its all a manual process. Do you have some sort of monitoring system that is reporting off the data somehow?