Hey All,
Just wanted to post here and see if anyone ran into this before while running firmware v18.2xxx version
Currently have a NON-MERAKI S2S VPN tunnel configured using "IKEv1"
We're translating a /23 subnet to a single /32

So that any clients on the /23 show up as a single host (whitelisted on vendor end)
All this works properly on firmware v18.1xxx, however whenever we upgrade to v18.2xxx randomly some clients would be able to access the remote host (specifically port 443/https) and some others WILL NOT -no common denominator- almost like if Meraki is NOT translating the full /23 subnet properly... weird part is ICMP/PINGS work properly (strange)
Anyways for now we have rolled back to v18.1xxx and confirmed tunnel working no issues both ICMP/PINGS and more importantly port 443/https traffic
Let me know thoughts 🙂 maybe I shall submit it as a "bug"