Meraki MX85 reboot problems

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Meraki MX85 reboot problems

Hi all,

anyone have the same problem that MX85 will reboot randomly?


The problem is now this reboots are while the working times. We had several reboots at night, which was not a big deal and we missed these reboots.


Both of them are on other places in other regions of Germany, other power plants, other local power supplys, other network providers etc.


I had several times contact with support and now Appliance B will be replaced.

We have 7 other MX85 but they are currently good.


I am now asking for a replacement of Appliance A too.


In the MX firmware changelogs I see that there are known issues with these types of reboot.

How is your experience with this? Am I the only customer which has these problem in the wild?


Appliance A; MX85
Current version: MX 18.211.2





Appliance B; MX85

Current version: MX 18.211.5



4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

There have been the multiple known issues with reboots for that model for a while. You are certainly not the only customer with the issue. The important thing is to report the issues, as you have, to help raise the priority of the bug with the developers. 

I certainly understand your frustration, you can also raise the issue with your account manager who may be able to help push the issue as well.

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Yes for sure but I dont have a valid path to report these issues. I opened now for Appliance A a new ticket for the replacement. But from my perspective a really good developer/engineer should have a look to our appliance because we have the issue with Appliance B for months for now. The ticket for Appliance B was opened a few months ago but it ended in a simple replacement question...

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We requested a back-end feature change to help stabilize our MX85s that were encountering this - Our last case had random warm starts every 10-45 minutes and was stabilized by disabling multi-core support rather than the hardware RMA that was offered.


Also see:

New here

The same thing happens to me.
I updated to version 18.21 1.5 and now the reboots are more frequent.
I also replaced an MX75 and the problem stopped.
Cisco's reliability is leaving something to be desired.
Waiting for solution.


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