Meraki MX DHCP details to a NAC Appliance

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Meraki MX DHCP details to a NAC Appliance

   I'm looking for a way to use the MX as the DHCP server and also forward the DHCP details to my NAC appliances in real time. If I were using an external DHCP server, I could just add my NAC appliance as a DHCP Relay, but this is not an option if I use "Run a DHCP Server".

   I thought I might be able to use Webhooks to forward the details, but I do not see an Alert Setting that looks like it would do that.

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You can find dhcp info in the event log. So you could enable syslog and sent the event log (to the nac?)

New here

We are just now setting our lab up, so we'll take a look at the event logs and see if they provide all the details needed.

Kind of a big deal

Interesting question! I pretty sure that DHCP logs will contain the information your NAC appliance (ISE?) will need to do its job. They simply don't contain fields like Client-Identifier etc.

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