Meraki Insight - Web App Health

Getting noticed

Meraki Insight - Web App Health

Hi there, 


    I have a Meraki Umbrella SDWAN connector up and running with Meraki MX 65W. I have a win11 test machine accessing to youtube and spotify. However, on Meraki Insight Web App Health, it said No data for Spotify and YouTube. Can I know why?




5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,


Note that MI will only monitor HTTPS traffic (TCP port 443), and that ports cannot be specified. For HTTP, any port can be monitored.


Could it be that Youtube / Spotify are using QUIC ( UDP 443 ) ?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

As @RaphaelL said, a lot of this type of traffic (especially for Google services) use Quic (UDP 443).
If you want to verify whether that is why you're not seeing data in Meraki Insights, you can block outbound UDP 443 traffic as it will failback to TCP 443.

Getting noticed

Hi Brash,


   Did you mean to say to set up a firewall outbound rules to block udp with source port to any and destination port to udp 443? Correct?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Correct, if you have a firewall rule blocking UDP 443, it should force the applications into using a fallback - typically TCP 443. See below for example rule.

Transport Protocol: UDP

Source IP: Test Client
Source Port: Any
Destination IP: Any
Destination Port: 443

Getting noticed


  Oh interesting! Let me block udp 443 and see if I could start seeing my youtube and spotify traffic that is going through the MX.

   I'm hoping to see those traffic from Meraki Insight Web Health

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