MX67 on latest stable version MX
We have a new ISP with 1Gbps link
We connect CAT6A to the ISP CPE device
Using static IPV4 provided by ISP on WAN1 P3 connected a laptop on VLAN1 DHCP
When nothing else connected, just this laptop I do a speedtest provided by the ISP just after a cold boot (power disconnect/reconnect). This speedtest shows approx 700Mbps, the limit of the MX67. So far so good.
Running another speedtest random after the first one I only get values around 200Mpbs. What is cauasing this? The WAN port shows hovering over 1GBps Auto Negotiate (as the ISP also tells us to configure our WAN port). The LAN port P3 also show 1Gbps Auto Negotiate.
When I program the laptop NIC with another static IP the ISP provides in a subnet an connect it directly to the CPE i constantly run approx 900-1000Mbps with speedtests.
So my conclusion the MX67 is causing an issue on the WAN speed.
We also run 2 site-to-site VPNs over this WAN connection. Can this cause the issue of dropping speed?