Hello all,
So we have numerous MX60/MX64 security appliances currently in use that all have a cellular backup device for failover. However, we do not have all the IMEIs for these devices and would prefer to collect this missing information without needing support of the end-users on-site. With that being said, the only way of attaining this information that I am aware of is either by physically reading the sticker inside the compartment or by using the Verizon Mobile Broadband Manager application. In order to utilize the Verizon app, the USB Modem needs to be connected directly to the system using the app.
Is there a method for gathering the IMEIs for Verizon USB Modems that are currently connected to either a MX60 or MX64? When searching the Meraki community discussions for further insight I came across this post; https://community.meraki.com/t5/Solutions-APIs/VERY-Incomplete-dashboard-API/m-p/1040 I know that the API is not primarily designed for extracting information and also that Meraki is a web-based environment. Despite this, I figured I would at least ask if there might be a means of accessing the device information for USB Modems that are currently in place as cellular failover. It would not be the end of the world to ask our end-users to unplug the USB modem, record the IMEI, and plug the USB modem back into the MX60/MX64, though I would only ask them to do this favor if there was absolutely no way to get the IMEI remotely.
Simply put: How does one pull the IMEI of a USB device connected to a MX60/MX64 security appliance?
Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.