Hello @Karan_Meraki
You just purchased this MX67?
First off, are you using the LAN/patch cables that came shipped with the MX67? Or are you using one that you already had? Can you test that cable to ensure it is not an issue with the cable?
Second off, the LED status of the MX67 will remain solid orange because it has no connection to the Meraki cloud. Since you state your ISP gave you a static IP, I assume your internet circuit does not have a DHCP failback, but you could try to connect your MX67 to the internet without the static IP, reboot it, and see if the status LED goes to rainbowing. Don't forget to license and register the MX67 to your Meraki dashboard.
Finally, by default - out of the box, Meraki MX67s will handout DHCP upon plugging a device into its LAN port. You are getting an APIPA address because there is no associated link. Do you have link lights on your laptop's NIC when trying to connect the cable? If not, go back to testing the ethernet cable you're trying to use/try another cable first. If that fails, factory reset the device, and if that fails, try another laptop if you can or double check its NIC is enabled, and if it is, and you've exhausted everything else mentioned - I would contact Meraki support.
Kaleb Mohr, CCNA. | Network Engineer
I am not an employee of Cisco or Cisco Meraki.