Issues with ping tool?

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Issues with ping tool?

Does anybody else noticed issues with the ping tool?


My MX WAN Port is connected to an internet router with nat and DHCP.

Using "Internet" as source and trying to ping the ip, the mx got from DHCP, its a 100% loss.

Other pakets, like to the internet router are lost too.


Meanwhile, traceroute works.


1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @ksumann,

Point 1 - As per Meraki documentation  - WAN appliances running MX 16.X+ firmware will use UDP Traceroutes over UDP port  33447 instead of ICMP Traceroutes, when users initiate traceroutes via the traceroute tool. While the Ping Live Tool is initiating a series of ICMP Echo requests to the designated IP.


Therefore, please make sure to check that the firewall rules are allowing ICMP upstream.


Point 2 - These fields control what services are available on the outside interface. When a service is set to "None", the appliance will not respond to requests of that type from the WAN. When it is set to "Any", it will respond to requests of that type from any source on the WAN. To specify certain IPs or IP subnets that the appliance should respond to, enter the IPs and/or CIDR subnets in a comma separated list.


Other useful documentation -


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.



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