Yes i will open a request for this. Just one more question, do you have a working example? Or do you know which unit the API returns? The description says bytes, but the values i got from the API are roughly 10 times higher than that, what is presented on the page Organization -> Summary Report -> Select Network and last month. res = dashboard.appliance.getNetworkApplianceUplinksUsageHistory(netid, t0="2024-08-01T00:00:00", t1="2024-08-31T23:59:59", resolution=86400) #resolution: daily #print (res) mSent = 0 mRecv = 0 for day in res: for interface in day['byInterface']: if interface['interface'] == 'wan1': mSent += int(interface['sent']) mRecv += int(interface['received']) print(f"Sent: {mSent/1024/1024}, Recv: {mRecv/1024/1024}") I'm aiming to get a usage over the past month, so i'm using usage history function. But the 10 times difference also appears your function.
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