Is the MX 18.211.2 ready for prime time?

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Is the MX 18.211.2 ready for prime time?

So I have this scheduled to upgrade on 7/10/2024. Wondering if there are any trouble reports from early adopters out there that anyone can speak to. I know that a few months ago I had to revert back a Meraki firmware update that tanked our main HQ's MX75. Any 1:1 NAT hosts we had defined with firewall policies had sporadic connectivity issues that had me pulling my hair out one clump at a time. Until I rolled back the firmware upgrade.


So is MX 18.211.2 really good to go?

2 Replies 2
Getting noticed

We've had a variety of customers (so different hardware/config) auto-upgrade to this version and, touch wood, so far no issues.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The 18.211.0 and .1 releases had some major issues which led to the quick release of 18.211.2.

I haven't seen many issues for 18.211.2 in the community forums and haven't seen any issues myself so far.

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