So .. Im trying to configure some IPv6 on my MX, but it behaves very strangely.
So, I configured my IPv6 address on the WAN interface, and its up and active, all good.
My provider routes a /48 to my MX
So on the status page IPv6 Prefixes i define this /48 for WAN1.
On the VLAN page, i then enable IPv6 and manually set for WAN1 a /64 of that /48 prefix.
This seems all good, the MX does not say that this does not work.
I do this for the 4 vlans I have on the LAN side, each with a seperate /64 of course.
Then funny thing happens.
Some interfaces seems to get the ::1 address I have given them
But no link-local and Solicited node multicast addresses.
Others seems to pick a random network in the /48
These interfaces also gets a link-local and Solicited node multicast address.
On the prefix page, some networks show up in vlan binding , others to not (and the ones that do not seems to work - ping -6 from a client works towards the internet).
On the DHCP page, the networks not in the vlan binding prefix status page are not IPv6 available.
The kicker is of course, that at some point it fails, and IPv6 stops working, and I cant figure our why.
But there seems to be something missing, like something is not being provisioned to the MX.
Is this "just a bug" ? anyone got any pointers ?