IP Conflict / VLAN Mismatch

Getting noticed

IP Conflict / VLAN Mismatch

Hello all,


Does anyone know when Meraki are planning to fix the false positives in the event logs for IP conflict Source IP and/or VLAN mismatch? We're still seeing this in our logs on a daily basis and we can't tell any genuine issues apart from the false positives.


We had a case open with Meraki support who just said it was an issue they were planning to fix at some point in the future.




4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Are there specific addresses you're seeing IP mismatches for?

The only one I'm aware of/have ever encountered is which the switch uses briefly on boot up.

Getting noticed

Excerpt from our case with Meraki support:


The MAC addresses are different and there is no actual IP conflict, so you may disregard the event logs.

The IPs are part of a VLAN subnet configured on the Core Stack switch (VLAN 1). The MAC address appears as 00:18:0A:4F:00:01 (and not the actual client device MAC) due to Unique client identifier client tracking configured on the MX. This had already been classified as unexpected behavior that is being investigated internally by our engineering team. We do not have an ETA for this I'm afraid, however, this will be addressed soon.

Kind Regards,

EH (name redacted)
Network Support Engineer

Getting noticed

I am sorry to say that this is STILL an issue occurring on our network. Meraki has a strange definition of "Soon".

Comes here often

We are experiencing this on a daily basis as well. Every 30 minutes for a few hours and then it stops.

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